Named Gift Opportunities
Named gifts represent opportunities to support the highest priorities at Trinidad
State. These leadership gifts typically create student scholarships, strengthen academic
programs or provide faculty support—although other funding opportunities may be available.
People who establish named funds often do so in honor or memory of someone that made
a difference in their lives. When exploring a named gift opportunity, a donor may
use current and/or future gifts to establish the fund. A person has significant flexibility
when creating a named gift. The Foundation can support conversations that prioritize
both a donor’s goals and the needs of Trinidad State.
Endowment Support
Gifts to the endowment are permanently invested, with a small percentage of assets
made available each year to support general or designated purposes. Examples include
student scholarships, teaching and learning, program development, student assistance,
as well as technology and the arts. The Foundation anticipates that endowment assets
will increase over time through prudent asset management.
You are invited to work with the Foundation and the College to create an endowment
gift that aligns with your special area(s) of interest.
Named Endowed Scholarship
A Named Endowed Scholarship may be established with a minimum gift of $25,000. The
scholarship can range in purposes, supporting students on the basis of need, academic
merit, area of study, athletics, and student retention. Your endowed scholarship helps
ensure that deserving students receive support for years to come, creating a lasting
gift of education.
Named Endowed Fund
A Named Endowed Fund may be established with a minimum gift of $25,000. The Fund can
range in purposes, providing direct support for faculty, academic programs, or other
College priorities. Your endowed fund helps ensure that key program areas receive
ongoing support for years to come.
The following minimum gift amounts correlate to endowment opportunities at TSC Foundation:
• Named Endowed Fund $25,000
• Named Endowed Scholarship $25,000
• Innovation Fund $100,000
• Program Excellence Fund $500,000
• Faculty Chair (1/2 Position) $750,000
• Faculty Chair (Full Position) $1,500,000
Annual Support
In addition to gifts for the endowment, TSC Foundation extends gift recognition for
annual support.
General Scholarship Fund
With a gift of $500 or more, a single scholarship award can be made to a student in
either your name or in honor of a loved one. Gifts to the General Scholarship Fund
help create financial peace of mind for deserving students, allowing them to focus
more fully on securing their educations.
Gift Recognition
The Foundation honors annual and lifetime cumulative giving at designated amounts.
Pete Deluca Society
The Pete Deluca Society recognizes giving by individuals at six levels:
• Charter lifetime contributions of $25,000 or more in cash or cash equivalents
• Cornerstone lifetime contributions of $50,000 or more in cash or cash equivalents
• Pillar lifetime contributions of $100,000 or more in cash or cash equivalents
• Landmark lifetime contributions of $250,000 or more in cash or cash equivalents
• Keystone lifetime contributions of $500,000 or more in cash or cash equivalents
• Legacy lifetime contributions of $1,000,000 or more in cash or cash equivalents
Membership in the Pete Deluca Society is determined by all cumulative contributions
to TSC Foundation. Benefits include invitations to special on- and off-campus events,
an annual listing in TSC publications, and a certificate of induction to the respective
Society of 1925
The Society of 1925 honors and recognizes donors who create a gift for Trinidad State in the estate plan.
Popular examples include remembering the TSC Foundation with a gift in a Will or Living
Trust, or as a beneficiary of an IRA or Life Insurance policy. These examples preserve
your full control over your assets during life, only supporting Trinidad State when
your estate is distributed.
An estate gift allows you to balance responsibilities for your family and loved ones,
with a desire to also support Trinidad State. They offer tremendous planning flexibility,
allowing you to fulfill your wishes exactly as you decide.
Members of the Society of 1925 will be honored in perpetuity.
TSC Educational Foundation
The Foundation is dedicated to supporting the growth and development of Trinidad State
College. To learn more about how you can help, please contact Toni DeAngelis at 719-846-5520